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5A Unit 6 My e-friend (story time)


1,在故事中学习,通过上下文猜测词义,查阅单词表,词典等方式能听懂,会读,会说单词:e-friend, send, e-mail,live,study,China, the UK, ...years old, wait.

2,在故事情景中通过学生自主学习和小组合作初步感知句型:Does he / she ... ? Yes, he/ she does. No, he / she doesn't. Wait a minute.




Step1: Pre-task

1, Enjoy an English song<hobbies>

2, Greeting

3, What’s your friend?

  What can he do?

  What does he like doing?

3, I have a good friendtoo. But she is not here. How can we keep in touch?我们见不到面,怎样保持联系?

  QQ, e-mail, telephone...

Teach: e-mail, write an e-mail, send an e-mail, e-friend

Step 2 While-task

1, Our old friends have e-friend,too what do they like doing?

Play football

  Do they go to play football now?

Teach: wait a minute, an email, send, e-friends.

2, About this e-friend, what do you want to know? Can you ask some questions?

 Ss: Who? How old? Where?

T: I have three questions.let’s watch and answer.

Who is Wang Bing’s e-friend?

How old is he?

Where is he from?

3, How about those other questions? This time, please open your books and turn to page 58-59, you can read this story time by yourselves and then find those answers.

Ss read the story time by their-selves and try to answer the questions.

4,We know more about Peter. Except for these informations, what else does the story say? This time, you can read this story again, and then find the other questions.找出有关Peter的其他问题?

Can he speak Chinese?

What does he do after school?

Does he have Chinese lessons at school?

Answer the questions

Step3: Post-task

1, Read after the tape.

2, Try to choose one way to read

3, Try to retell the story time

  Say something about Peter.

4,You all know Peter very well. And you can describe Peter well, too. This time do you know how to describe your e-friend or your friend? Can you ask some questions?如何描述你的网友或者朋友,你可以提一些问题吗?

Ss: Ask the questions

5,You know how to describe your e-friend , this time, It's your turn. You can choose one way to describe your e-friend.选择一种方式,介绍你自己的网友。

Ss try to say something about your e-friend.

Step4: Homework

1 . Read the story and try to retell it.  (读熟Story time并试着复述.)

2 .Describe your friends.(描述下你的朋友,不少于五句话.)

3 . Know more national flags and share with your classmates.  (认识更多国旗并和同学们一起分享.)


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